Where can I view if my name servers were setup correctly and what IPs they currently use?
How do I check my current nameservers and which IP addresses they are using?
You can check by going to http://network-tools.com.
You will see several different types of DNS look ups, in the center column, please click "DNS Records".
Below the look up options, in the box, type your domain name such as hostgator.com, then click "Go" to retrieve the result.
After submitting the form, the system will come back with your DNS information. The first things listed are your current nameservers and the IP adresses to which they are pointed.
You can check by going to http://network-tools.com.
You will see several different types of DNS look ups, in the center column, please click "DNS Records".
Below the look up options, in the box, type your domain name such as hostgator.com, then click "Go" to retrieve the result.
After submitting the form, the system will come back with your DNS information. The first things listed are your current nameservers and the IP adresses to which they are pointed.